Our Partnership
Reactive Repairs
We will provide a reactive repairs & maintenance service to your site, whereby we will receive your repairs & maintenance requests via email or telephone call and manage attendance to your site for works to be completed.
We will
• Provide a dedicated repairs call handling and helpdesk team during our Core Service hours
• Raise your repair in a timely & efficient manner, having identified and agreed the most cost efficient response priority
• Manage our contractors to arrive promptly against booked priorities & appointments
I – Immediate : 1 hour response time for all Health and Safety Issues
E-Emergency : 24 hour response time
U - Urgent: 7 calendar days response time
R – Routine: 28 calendar days response time
S – Servicing: At precluded intervals
• Offer you an appointment for 95% of all urgent (U) and routine(R) works
• Use qualified and vetted contractors to complete all site works
• Provide free advice & access to our surveyors and engineers for professional guidance
• Provide access to our Post inspection audit service monitoring cost and quality
• Offer a dispute resolution process
Out of Hours Emergency
The Property Services Group will provide access to a 24 hour 365 day emergency standby service for all emergency reactive calls required outside of the Property Services and Maintenance Partnership Core Hours
On receipt of notification of an emergency situation the Property Services and Maintenance Partnership will:
• Determine the exact nature of the emergency and confirm access details and telephone numbers
• Instruct the appropriate contractor
• Provide advice and guidance as appropriate
• Liaise with other agencies i.e. Police, Fire Service etc if required
• Ensure any follow-up works are reported the next working day
• Attend site as soon as possible, with a target attendance within 1 hour where possible
• Make safe only
• Calls followed up with any remedial works required (where large scale replacement, or insurance related claims, or items not covered under a service package, these may be charged at an additional rate)
Stock Condition & Asset Management
AutoCAD Floor plans
Provision of attributed AutoCAD floor plans (Block Plan, Floor Plans, Roof Plans etc).
• Copies provided in hard copy and/or PDF. Additional Layouts added as required.
• AutoCAD floor plans attributed with room numbering will be required should you wish to proceed with
• Asbestos Management Services
• Display Energy Certificates
• Stock Condition Services.
The potential cost will depend upon the availability of existing floor plans in an AutoCAD related version.
Stock Condition Surveys
Full Building and Mechanical & Electrical Condition Survey produced, based on an AutoCAD floor plan being available. Service includes for;
• initial meeting
• survey of all buildings (non-intrusive)
• production of reports
• production of cash flows
• review meeting with nominated representatives to discuss findings and priorities
• Access to online data via Customer Portal
There will be a requirement for production of an AutoCAD floor plan as per rates outlined if not already available.
Refurbishment/Demolition Survey
We can provide project specific surveys in advance of any refurbishment or demolition works in accordance with legislation. A project specific enquiry will be taken and a specification of works and drawing will be required to undertake the survey. A fixed cost will be supplied to the customer for approval prior to commencing any works.
Asbestos Removal
Any asbestos identified can be removed by our specialist licenced contractors either as part of your annual management recommendations or prior to a planned project or demolition. Small project removals will be dealt with as minor works.
General advice & guidance relating to energy management.
Typical services include:-
• Advice and guidance on monitoring and managing energy consumption
• Advice and guidance on raising energy awareness
• Advice and Guidance relating to Energy Related Legislative requirements
However, the energy officer will be available to answer any other energy related queries.
Minor Works
We will provide a service to enable you to carry out Minor Works to your property. Minor Works are typically one off small works or projects that fall outside of typical reactive orders, but are not complex in their nature, i.e. they do not require any design, extensive structural work or statutory approvals.
These works can be carried out on an open book (where you pay the actual cost of the work) or a target cost basis.
We will:
• Receive your request for minor works via our helpdesk
• Log all your minor works requests and facilitate scoping / costing through our partners
• Provide a target cost where requested
• Raise orders for works
• Arrange for invoicing once works have been completed.
Project Works
Project Management Services will be provided to deliver your more complex projects, typically where designs and statutory approvals are required. This will include working with you to achieve the following common steps:
• Confirmation of scope of works for your project to ensure the project can be delivered within your expectations
• Development of Brief
• Production of detailed designs and specification
• Advising on or obtaining Planning and Building Regulation approval where necessary
• Ensuring compliance with statutory Health and Safety requirements including the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
• Arrangement of any additional surveys to enable Project progression (i.e. drainage surveys, asbestos surveys,
• Provide you with costs subject to your procurement choice (Open Book/Target Cost under the partnering process)
• Provide you with an outline programme of the work.
If you decide to proceed with the work we will
• Facilitate a pre contract meeting with yourselves and our Partners
• Ensure the work on site is completed as per the specification and drawings
• Ensure financial control of the project including managing any variations to the works
• Hold progress meetings with yourselves and the contractor as appropriate
• Handover the project on completion and ensure any remedial works are completed if required prior to this.
• Agree the final project costs with you and provide any relevant end of contract handover documentation
Standard Plan
Compliance works to include Cyclical Service Planning & Management Service
We will provide a complete cyclical planning and management service mechanical and electrical items, together with general building servicing.
This will include:
• Production of an Annual Servicing timetable
• Manage, plan & raise all necessary orders to relevant contractors
• Ensure appointments are made; Contact will be made to agree a date and time convenient to your site to carry out the servicing
• Service all equipment in line with current legislation
• Report all necessary repairs identified to you with estimated costs
• Any immediate repairs required due to Health and Safety identified through the service will be carried out and then recharged to your site